ver.2 Kyu Legend Diecut (1-layer)
$3.50 - $28.00

화이팅 (hwaiting / FIGHTING!) is a word in Korean used to encourage and tell others to fight on! Persevere! Keep hustling. This is the new motto of Kyu Legend and we thank you for your support!
This single layer diecut comes in two styles:
"Style A" has letters and outline.
"Style B" has hollow text.
Two sizes available: 2.9x8.6 inches (box slap size) and 8.1x24 inches (rear car window size big boy sticky).
Available in fresh finishes! Every order of Kyu Legend branded stickers will come with a freebie too, so share the wealth!
Some finishes may last longer outside than others, so just be careful.